Custom Homes & Remodeling Services

When it's time for fantastic designs, distinctive builds, and predictably great outcomes, Bettencourt Construction is the call you should make.

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Best Custom Home Builder in Tampa, FL

Serving St. Petersburg & Tampa Region

We serve the entire Tampa, Florida & St. Petersburg region, here's a bit of our service areas.

Dreams, Ideas
& Plans

Whether you already have plans, or if you're starting with our architect & design partners we'll start by developing your vision, design & plan.

Precise Scope, Plan & Proposal

Once we've developed the design, we'll develop a precise plan with pricing and a timeline - and we'll get started.

Build & Proactively Communicate

We'll build with un-compromised excellence, and guide you through the entire process.

Get Started with a Simple Consultation

Our family is standing by to make this easy, just reach out and we'll be your guide.